Since back in March 2022, Kakao Games has teased their new upcoming MMORPG, Ares: Rise of Guardians, dubbing it their next big MMORPG. This came at a surprising time, after the Archeage publisher announced Odin: Valhalla Rising, and even Arche World. Still, there are a lot of questions about what exactly this game is and whether or not it’s on PC, Consoles or if it’s another Mobile title.
Well, I’m happy to answer that question. As stated above, since March the game has been teased and it’s no secret that I like to keep my ear to the ground when it comes to upcoming MMORPGs, and online games in general. Readers have asked me privately as to why I have not covered this game, particularly on YouTube, and the reason is simple: I don’t really cover mobile games. If I do, it’s a very rare occasion. So, that should answer your first question as to whether or not Ares: Rise of Guardians is a mobile title or not.
Weirdly enough, this information doesn’t seem to be that public. Everywhere I checked, there were mentions of “no platform announced yet”, from popular gaming websites to gaming channels on Twitch and YouTube. Heck, if you even go to the official Kakao Games sites, even the Ares: Rise of Guardians website – no platforms listed. So, let’s break it down on the source.

IR Presentation Reports are pretty common in the game industry, and usually allow for potential investors, as well as the public to understand where exactly the company is financial-wise. Usually, this will include things such as Earnings, Cost, Investments in new Products/IPs, etc.
So, you can tell by the latest Core Line-up that Kakao Games has posted in their IR Presentation, that though Arche World will be a PC MMORPG, upcoming titles such as Odin: Valhalla Rising, and yes even Ares: Rise of Guardians, are in fact both PC and Mobile games. This usually means that a title has been designed around the Mobile environment, and has a PC version to reflect that. Unless of course you’re a huge company like Pearl Abyss that managed to create a pretty great port of Black Desert Online on all platforms.
So, naturally, I’m not really all that interested in Ares: Rise of Guardians simply because it’s a mobile game. That’s of course not to say that the game will be bad, there are plenty of mobile games out there that are decent. Sure, I can’t name one off the top of my head, but I’m sure there’s one out there. Still, it’s not a platform I cover, but for those interested in the upcoming MMORPG from Kakao Games, at least you know it will release in Korea in Q1 2023, and likely later on in other regions.
However, for those still interested in a pure PC MMORPG, there’s always Archeage 2 that’s set to release in 2024 – according to Kakao’s official posting on social media.